Navigating Life and Career Transitions

In 2022, I stepped into the abyss.

Up until that point I had spent my whole life focused on achievement. In childhood I got top grades, excelled at sports, won art competitions, and became a competitive gamer. After college I started three companies, sold my last company, built a community with tens of thousands of members, launched a global conference, published an industry best-selling book, and helped create a new professional industry.

And after all that, I still felt empty inside.

I wasn’t burned out. I had a good handle on my workload, and set clear boundaries. So I wasn’t overwhelmed. What I felt was a deep emptiness. What I felt was “hollowed out”.

I no longer felt joy in my work. I felt deeply misaligned, even though I couldn’t name what it was that what missing at the time. I just knew the path I was on didn’t feel right.

So I stepped down from the company I started and set off on a journey with the hopes of discovering what was missing.

I spent two years in a process of undoing, unlearning, and surrendering. I immersed myself in meditation, therapy, coaching, breathwork, nature, and the support of my close friends and family. It was the most difficult time of my life. I navigated an intense public conflict, the death of a family member, and the near death of my baby daughter. I burned away layers of my ego. I went deeply inward.

Finally, I found the root of my suffering: a deeply seeded belief that “I am not enough.”

Work and achievement were two of the primary tools I used to fill my hole of enoughness and to numb my suffering. I was also a hardcore people pleaser and conflict avoider. Fear and loneliness were my “dirty fuel“, driving me to build great things, grow my network, and have a lot of impact, but at great cost.

The hole was bottomless. No amount of work or achievement could help me feel like I was enough. No amount of people pleasing or being seen as the “good guy”. Enoughness had to come from within.

Eventually, the other shore appeared. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was enough just as I am. My work started to become powered by “clean fuel”. I learned that there is a different way to live and work, a way of being that’s rooted in presence, alignment with values, calmness, and aliveness.

I also discovered a love for coaching. Now, I work to help others navigate their own transitions. I sit side by side with my clients as they navigate their own abysses.

Client testimonials:

I’ve worked with a lot of consultants in all types of different areas of focus, and this was my most interesting and meaningful work I’ve done.

– Devin Gage, Founder of Gage Strength Training

David is the most special kind of coach. I don’t even know how to describe him to people. His ability to listen, REALLY listen, and ask thoughtful questions is unlike any coach I’ve ever worked with. I appreciated the ways he gently challenged me and the meditative practices he introduced me to. I’m coming out with a deeper awareness of the stories I tell myself, and an ability to see my parts with greater empathy. Working with David opened up a whole new world of self-discovery and growth for me. It was an absolute honor.”

– Danielle Letayf, CEO & Founder, Badassery

Coaching structure:

I work with individuals and calls are done 1-1. I occasionally offer group coaching as well.

You may be paying for coaching yourself, or your company may be paying, but you are my client and my commitment is to you as a person. All conversations are 100% confidential.

Price: My standard monthly retainer is $1,800/month.

I also offer sliding scale pricing for those who cannot afford my full rate. I care deeply about this work and am energized to support anyone who is a good fit, regardless of your financial situation.

The retainer includes:

  • default of two calls per month (when you need more, we will do more at no additional cost)
  • unlimited asynchronous support via email and text
  • all preparation and post-call work

I don’t require a contractual commitment for any amount of time but I do ask for an energetic commitment of at least three months to give us a chance to get into rhythm with each other. You can choose to end the coaching relationship at any point that you feel it’s ready to be completed.

If you’re interested in working together, please get in touch and tell me more about you, where you are in your journey, and what you’re looking for in coaching. If it looks like a good potential fit, we will schedule a “chemistry call” to get to know each other and determine if there’s a good mutual match.